4th Woman in Family to Wear Same Wedding Dress
Over the last 85 years, four women in one family take worn the same silk wearing apparel for their weddings.
It all started with Maria Teresa Moreno ― known past her relatives equally "Grande" ― who made the gown herself earlier her own wedding ceremony in 1932.

Courtesy of Marta Prietto O'Hara
Since then, the long-sleeved gown has been passed down through generations of women ― Grande's granddaughter, Marta Prietto O'Hara, wore information technology to her wedding in 1983.

Courtesy of Marta Prietto OHara
Followed by Elena Salinas, Grande's granddaughter and Marta's younger sister, in 1997.

Courtesy of Marta Prietto O'Hara
And most recently, past Pilar O'Hara Kassouf, Grande's great-granddaughter, in September 2017.

Marta, who lives in Tustin, California, told HuffPost in an interview that that fact that she and her daughter Pilar both wore a clothes with such rich family history was an experience "beyond words."
"Information technology was such a connection to my grandmother, with whom I was very shut," Marta said of Grande, who died in 2009. "She was also my godmother and she lived effectually the corner from me so I saw her all the time. And she lived to exist 98. Then my kids grew up knowing their not bad-grandmother."

Courtesy of Marta Prietto O'Hara
Marta continued: "My grandmother would merely be so thrilled to know that one of her smashing-grandchildren wanted to wear her dress. I call up she would be very touched. It fills my heart. Information technology makes me just so happy."

Courtesy of Marta Prietto O'Hara
Information technology all started in 1932 when Grande, a talented Los Angeles seamstress who was built-in and raised in Mexico, fell in beloved with a nuptials apparel she saw in a section store window and decided to recreate it by mitt for her nuptials to Manuel Moreno, according to the Orange Canton Register.
The couple went on to have iv kids ― 2 sons and two daughters. When i of Grande'south daughters, Anita, tied the knot with Pablo Prietto in 1957, she concluded upward wearing a different wearing apparel that was custom-fabricated by her mother for the occasion. However, Anita held onto the original gown, which she kept in a small, flimsy box in her cupboard.

Courtesy of Marta Prietto O'Hara
Fast-forrad to 1983 when Marta, one of Anita's vii children, was planning a nuptials to her high school sweetheart Kevin O'Hara. Anita wanted her daughter to wearable the same dress she had worn at her wedding dorsum in 1957. Although the garment had been specially preserved, when Anita pulled it out of the container, she saw information technology had been badly damaged with a large stain beyond the bodice. It was unwearable.
Anita had a plan B, though. She grabbed the box holding Grande's clothes from her closet for Marta to try on.
"It wasn't even in tissue ― it was just in the box in perfect condition," Marta told HuffPost. "Before I even saw the style ― simply the cloth alone ― I said, 'I'm wearing this dress if it fits me.' I tried it on that day, and knew I was going to wear it."

Courtesy of Marta Prietto O'Hara
Marta described the dress as a creamy gold in color with a luxurious, buttery texture.
"It'southward thick, luscious silk. You just want to feel it when someone's wearing it," she told HuffPost.
In 1997, Elena ― Marta's sis ― married her husband Ric in Los Angeles' Silver Lake neighborhood and wore the elegant gown equally well.

Courtesy of Marta Prietto O'Hara
After Elena's wedding ceremony, the dress sat idle for 20 years until Marta'south girl Pilar got engaged to Nick Kassouf in April 2017.
"I ever knew virtually 'the dress' simply it was e'er a vague notion to me until I was actually engaged," Pilar told HuffPost. "Later on I got engaged, I went over to my grandma Anita'southward house to try it on. In one case I did, and saw myself in the mirror, I knew. It fit like a glove and needed no alterations whatsoever. There was no way I was walking into whatever bridal shop to look at a dress that meant nothing to me when our family unit dress meant everything to me. It was meant to exist."

In one case Pilar decided she was wearing the dress, Anita spent a month interviewing dry cleaners earlier finding one she was willing to leave her prized possession with.
"My mom is superstitious," Marta told HuffPost. "She'southward similar, 'I don't want to spend a lot of money to get information technology cleaned until somebody really wants to wear it in case information technology gets ruined.' She'southward extremely protective of this dress and the fabric and the care of it."

Remarkably, the dress has never been taken in or let out for any of the women who've worn information technology. Somehow, information technology merely fits. The only alterations fabricated over the years include removing a portion of the original 9-foot train, changing the dorsum of the gown to a deep Five shape, equally well every bit adding ― and subsequently removing ― some beading, lace trim and other pocket-sized decorative details.

With no other family weddings on the horizon, it's unclear who will be the next to article of clothing the dress. 2 of Marta's nieces, Daisy, fifteen, and Lola, 16, have already called dibs on the dress for their future weddings.
Until then, the clothes patiently waits for its next bride in a box in Anita'southward closet.

Long-Sleeved Wedding ceremony Dresses
Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/four-women-wore-this-1932-wedding-dress_n_59fba5c2e4b01b4740495cb8
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