Whmcs Module Command Error Insufficient Balance Please Add Funds and Then Try Again
- 1 About Products Reseller For WHMCS
- 2 Installation
- iii Configuration and Management
- 3.1 Dashboard
- iii.ii General Settings
- 3.iii Groups
- 3.3.1 Configuration Per Group
- three.3.2 API Permissions
- 3.3.three Integrations
- 3.3.four Products
- three.3.5 Configurable Options
- 3.four Resellers
- three.4.ane Reseller Details
- 3.4.one.one API Configuration
- 3.four.1.2 Orders
- three.4.i.3 Income
- three.4.ane Reseller Details
- 3.five Response Templates
- 3.vi Module Logs
- iii.7 Documentation
- three.vii.1 API Documentation
- iii.7.2 Module Documentation
- 3.8 Reseller Area
- 3.8.1 Orders
- 3.eight.two Pricing
- three.8.3 Settings
- 3.8.4 Logs
- three.8.5 API Documentation
- iii.nine Integration Modules
- 3.9.1 Integration Module Installation In Reseller's WHMCS
- 3.ix.2 Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS Integration
- iii.ix.3 EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS Integration - Servers Reselling
- iii.9.4 SSL Products Integration
- 3.ix.5 OpenStack Projects For WHMCS Integration
- iii.ix.6 Plesk Key Ambassador For WHMCS Integration
- 3.9.7 Virtualizor By Softaculous Module Integration
- three.ix.8 WHMCS Licensing Addon
- 3.10 Sample Workflow
- 3.11 Upgrade Instructions
- three.11.1 Product Upgrade
- 3.eleven.2 Configurable Options Upgrade
- iv Tips
- 5 Update Instructions
- 6 Common Problems
Well-nigh Products Reseller For WHMCS
As a provider, you are able to handle all details of your reseller groups and set up pricing rates for each production in a particular grouping effortlessly.
Moreover, your resellers grant all crucial data about placed orders forth with API documentation. As for end clients, they are able to purchase preferred products and perform basic actions on them subsequently.
- Provider:
✔ View Resellers And Products Income Statistics
✔ View Most Assisting Resellers And Latest Invoices
✔ Create And Manage Resellers:
✔ Assign To Dedicated Group
✔ Assign Client'southward Account
✔ Generate Admission API Key
✔ Restrict Access To Specific IP Addresses
✔ Define API Limits Interval And Requests
✔ View Reseller'southward Orders And Income
✔ Create And Manage Groups:
✔ Allow API Access With Defined Permissions
✔ Let Access To API Documentation
✔ Send Low Credit Notification
✔ Ascertain Payment Collection Blazon:
✔ Create Products Provisioning Integration Modules For Resellers:
✔ Define Name And Clarification
✔ Assign Offered Products For Resellers
✔ Define Pricing For Each Product Extension And Their Configurable Options:
✔ For First And Recurring Payment
✔ Enable Defended Integration For Products:
✔ EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers
✔ Create Response Templates To Overwrite Products API Responses Displayed To Cease Clients
✔ Configure Default Settings:
✔ Toggle Global API Status
✔ Toggle Global API IP Restriction
✔ Toggle Global API Requests Restriction
✔ Ascertain Default Grouping Settings
✔ Select Successful Actions To Be Skipped In Logs
✔ View API Asking And Response Logs
- Resellers:
✔ Access Dedicated Reseller Area
✔ View Products And Their Configurable Options Pricing
✔ Access Reseller Settings:
✔ View Available Account Credits
✔ View Bachelor Credentials
✔ View/Modify IP Addresses Restrictions
✔ Download Products Reseller Integration Module
✔ Download Provider Documentation
✔ View API Request And Response Logs
- Stop Clients:
✔ Manage Full general Products Using Module Commands:
✔ Create/Append/Unsuspend/End
✔ Manage Proxmox VE VPS Products Via Dedicated Integration:
✔ Manage EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers Products Via Dedicated Integration:
✔ Manage OpenStack Projects Products Via Dedicated Integration:
✔ Log In To Command Panel
✔ Manage cPanel Products Via Dedicated Integration:
✔ Log In To Control Console
✔ Manage Plesk Fundamental Administrator Licenses Via Dedicated Integration:
✔ Manage WHMCS Licensing Addon Via Dedicated Integration:
✔ Manage Softaculous Virtualizor Products Via Dedicated Integration:
✔ Kickoff/Reboot/Stop/Power Off VPS
✔ View Bandwidth Usage Graphs
✔ Manage WHMCS SSL Certificates Products
✔ Employ Synchronized Configurable Options With Products
✔ Utilize Synchronized Product Custom Fields With Products
- API Functionality:
✔ Go Custom Fields Values
✔ Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate Production
✔ Change Product Countersign
✔ Beginning/Stop/Reboot Proxmox VE VM/EasyDCIM Server
✔ Get Proxmox VE VM/EasyDCIM Server/OpenStack Projection Details
✔ Go Proxmox VE VM/EasyDCIM Server Graphs
✔ Go along SSL Certificate Step One/Two/Three
✔ Become SSL Certificate Info
- Full general Info:
✔ Transactions Between Resellers And Provider Settled With Credits
✔ Integrated With Softaculous Virtualizor - Deploying And Managing VPS On Servers With Unmarried Click
✔ Integrated With WHMCS Licensing Addon - Reselling Licenses For Ain Web Applications
✔ Integrated With WHMCS SSL Certificates - Reselling Certificates Through Modules Using Bones WHMCS API
✔ Supports PHP 7.two Up To PHP 7.iv
✔ Supports WHMCS "Six" And "20-One" Themes
✔ Supports WHMCS V8.0 And Later
1. Log in to our client surface area and download the module.
In the most contempo versions of the module, yous volition find only i bundle that supports PHP 7.2 and subsequently.
The content of the packet to upload should look similar this.
File is located in 'modules/addons/ProductsReseller/license_RENAME.php'. Rename it from 'license_RENAME.php' to 'license.php'.
Enter your license primal between quotation marks as presented on the following screen. You can detect your license key in our client area → 'My Products'.
This folder is available at 'yourWHMCS/modules/addons/ProductsReseller/'.
Log in to your WHMCS admin area. Become to 'WHMCS Admin Area' → 'Arrangement Settings' → 'Addon Modules' . Later, find 'Products Reseller' and press the 'Activate' button.
To practice so click on the 'Configure' button, tick 'Full Administrator' and press 'Salvage Changes'.
You can admission your module at 'Addons' → 'Products Reseller'.
Configuration and Management
Products Reseller For WHMCS allows your customers to resell products on their ain WHMCS.
The 'Dashboard' page presents some useful graphs and summaries on income generated from reselling products.
The 'Income' section presents your income which is converted into USD basing on 'Base of operations Conv. Rate' in Setup → Payments → Currencies.
You may easily change the graph settings by changing the time scope and choosing products y'all are interested in.
Virtually assisting Resellers & Latest invoices summary:
General Settings
Here you may set full general options just still, you lot will be able to change them per single group. If you skip group settings, this configuration will exist taken into account.
Global API related section:
- API Status - enable/disable Products Reseller API.
- IP Addresses Brake - enable/disable restricting connection to Products Reseller API only for IP addresses specified in the 'Allowed IP Addresses' field.
- API Requests Restriction - enable choice to restrict the number of API requests.
- Low Credit Notification - a notification to your client volition be sent when credit residuum on client's account falls below entered value.
Y'all may view and edit the "Low Credit Notification" custom electronic mail template sent to clients at 'WHMCS' → 'Setup' → 'Electronic mail Templates'. This email bulletin is sent with the main WHMCS cron task.
- Depression Credit Amount - amount of credits, when reached a notification will exist sent.
- Payment Type options:
- Later on Create - resellers must accept sufficient credits amount, merely he is charged just after a product has been successfully created.
- After Order - resellers must settle the payment just after the order, the amount due is taken from his account instantly.
- Skip Successful Actions - select from available deportment which you lot practice not need to be logged on the 'Logs section.
Note that simply successful messages will be omitted, all unsuccessful action will exist still logged.
Remember to submit the changes, once you have finished.
Let's start past creating the first grouping for your resellers. Use either of the buttons marked on the screen below.
Then, but type in a unique proper name of your group.
Create as many groups as yous volition need and set up different configuration to arrange them and then assign resellers to adequate groups.
Configuration Per Group
These settings will overwrite the general settings divers in the previous step.
- API Status - enable/disable Products Reseller API for Resellers assigned to this very group only
- IP Address Restriction - enable/disable restricting connection to Products Reseller API just for IP addresses specified in the 'Allowed IP Addresses' field.
- API Requests Restriction - enable option to restrict the number of API requests.
- Show API Documentation - toggle to allow resellers access to API documentation directly from their Reseller Area.
- Depression Credit Notification - turn on sending notifications to your client when credit balance on client's account falls below entered value.
You may view and edit the "Low Credit Notification" custom electronic mail template sent to clients at 'WHMCS' → 'Setup' → 'Email Templates'. This e-mail message is sent with the principal WHMCS cron job. - Low Credit Amount - amount of credits, when reached a notification volition be sent
- Payment Type options:
- After Create - resellers must have sufficient credits amount, but he is charged only after a production has been successfully created.
- Later Order - resellers must settle the payment only subsequently the order, the amount due is taken from his account instantly.
Note: Please call back that upon unsuccessful production creation, the module does not accept any credits from the Reseller Business relationship.
Salvage the changes when gear up.
API Permissions
Toggle options that resellers will be allowed to use via API.
Press 'Add together Integration' to begin.
- Enter your module unique proper noun
- Type in a brusque description of the module, information technology volition be visible on the activation page of the registrar
- Upload a file with documentation if y'all have prepared any - y'all may use any format.
The provided documentation may be a grade of guidebook for Resellers on how to install and configure the module.
It is the responsibility of Providers to inform their Resellers about essential reselling tips and others.
- Edit its details (alter proper name, clarification, or file) at any time
- Download the documentation
- Download the integration bundle
- Delete the integration
In order to delete numerous integration at one time, utilize the mass action push.
Press the 'Assign Product' button to begin.
Select products from the bachelor and printing 'Ostend'.
- Settings
- Ready Pricing
- Unassign Production
Depending on the product, in that location can be different actions enabled in the 'Settings' section.
Annotation: The following options such as 'Outset', 'Stop', 'Reboot', 'Details','Graphs' are bachelor only for Proxmox VE VPS products.
The 'Settings' section for the SSL Certificates products (for example GoGetSSL) will await equally presented here:
The below options in 'Settings' section are available for EasyDCIM Defended Servers products:
And so, set pricing for a particular item.
Important: The default pricing is gear up to '-1' (minus one) which is treated equally disabled.
To enable the preferred pricing method, just provide a toll of the product.
Note 1: Delight remember that ' First Payment' does non stand for ' Setup Fee' .
Note 2: If you decide to set pricing for a particular period, keep in mind that you demand to complete both fields- 'First Payment' as well as 'Recurring'
in order for the pricing to be displayed in the Reseller Area.
Notation 3: If you wish to offer free products and then provide the 0.00 price.
Moreover, in that location is the possibility to set pricing for a few selected products. Simply, apply the mass action button to do it with ane click.
In the same way, you may too unassign the preferred products.
Configurable Options
Press 'Assign Group' to begin.
Select from the bachelor configurable options groups, they will be then assigned to this group of resellers.
- Update Pricing (ane)
- Unassign Configurable Options Group (2)
By default, configurable pick prices divers in WHMCS are used until you modify them in the addon.
Once the config selection cost is updated here, its toll visible in the Reseller Surface area is changed besides.
Important: It is non possible to disable the config option from auction by entering '-1' in dissimilarity to products.
Important 2: If y'all alter the config option price to 0.00 such config option will exist free of charge.
In club to delete configurable options groups only press the bin icon or use the mas action bution to unassign numerous groups at once.
At present, your group configuration is ready. If you have more groups, merely repeat these steps for each of them.
Retrieve that you are always able to edit the single group name or delete if no longer needed. Only click on adequate buttons to do then.
Go on in heed that you lot may never delete a grouping if there are whatever resellers assigned to the group.
Before deleting information technology, you lot must choose an alternative group to which the resellers will exist reassigned.
In this section you will discover a list of your active Resellers. Printing 'Add together Reseller' to brand i of your clients a reseller.
- Select i of your previously created groups, to which the reseller should be assigned.
- Then select i of your clients from the dropdown, first typing to see a list of clients
- Generate an API Key for the Reseller, it will be necessary when configuring the integration module with the Reseller's platform
- Prepare a listing of allowed IP addresses, use comma or space to separate - annotation that this option must have been enabled previously in the module general settings here
- API Status - toggle to allow reseller generate the API key in the Reseller Area
- API Limits - toggle to exist able to define precise limits
- API Interval [Min] - enter a time interval in minutes in which a number of API requests provided below can be called
- API Requests Limit - maximum number of API requests in the time interval
Reseller Details
API Configuration
Autonomously from them, you may preview the API Email Address and API Key required to activate and configure the integration module.
This section includes a listing of all bought products which are offered by this reseller.
Take a look at any crucial details on the orders.
The 'Income' tab contains a electric current list of invoices that generate any income for the reseller.
Press the invoice ID and you volition be redirected to the invoice summary.
Response Templates
In order to add a new response template press the 'Crate Template' button and then follow the below instructions.
- For Text type, simply provide a string like 'Error Response'.
- For Regular Expression blazon, yous need to provide a regular expression which volition be replaced.
For example, if yous want to supplant any dollar cost in the response provide '\$\d+\.\d+', in this case information technology will replace strings like '$eight.25'.
- If you want to replace any response, just type '.+' in here.
In the 2nd footstep Supercede With y'all need to enter a text message that will be sent to a customer when the above entered design is found.
The 2 messages will exist replaced with 1 some other.
Define Priority. The higher number you enter, the higher priority volition be assigned.
Important! All agile patterns within the same group plant with different priorities are performed starting from the college to lower priority.
- choose 'Text' or 'Regular Expression' from Type dropdown menu.
It will specify if provided text in the offset field should be treated every bit a text or a regular expression while searching for a pattern.
- Registrar Action - must exist chosen from dropdown bill of fare as well to specify upon which action provided patterns will be searched for.
Remember, to finish successfully you lot need to printing the 'Confirm' button.
Now yous can see a newly configured response is visible on the listing. You may edit the added response or remove information technology whatever time you need.
To do and so, just simply click on the advisable action button.
Module Logs
In 'Logs' section you lot may preview a list of API requests and responses, including errors with the well-nigh important details on them.
Apply activity buttons to delete all logs or just single entries.
API Documentation
This API documentation has been prepared to let you to write your own integration modules for platforms other than WHMCS.
The 'Information' subtab contains:
- Endpoint - URL to which all the API requests are directed
- Authorization - Username and token parameters to authenticate the client in the API request
- Example - exemplary request to API to renew a product
Of import! Please remember that the following API Calls: 'Starting time', 'Reboot', 'Terminate', 'Details', 'Graphs' are currently bachelor only for Proxmox VE VPS products
while actions such as 'SSL Stride 1', 'SSL Step 2', 'SSL Step Three', 'Go Info' piece of work only for SSL Certificates products.
Note: The screen below does non capture all the supported functions.
Full API functionality tin exist found on the module features listing at the top of this documentation.
The last section includes 'Models' details.
Module Documentation
'Module Documentation ' is a hyperlink. It leads to the 'Products Reseller For WHMCS' wiki article you are currently reading.
Reseller Area
Become to 'Services' → 'Reseller Expanse' to access them.
As you lot can meet, the 'Orders' section includes a detailed list of orders placed past terminate-clients on the Reseller's system.
Moreover, y'all can not only check the ordered products but too whatsoever payment details and appointment.
The 'Pricing' department includes a list of the Reseller'southward products with the choice to preview its pricing ready by the provider.
Under the 'Settings' section you will notice any API details necessary to install and activate the integration module.
Underneath the API details yous will notice a listing of generated integrations.
Depending on the provider, you may download the packages, download the boosted fields and documentation per Integration.
Preview a list of logs on API requests and responses, including errors stored in the module.
API Documentation
This API documentation has been prepared to allow y'all to write your own integration modules for platforms other than WHMCS.
'Information' tab contains:
- Endpoint - URL to which all the API requests are directed
- Potency - Username and token parameters to authenticate the customer in the API request
- Example - exemplary asking to API to renew a product
Of import! Please retrieve that the following API Calls: 'Beginning', 'Reboot', 'Stop', 'Details', 'Graphs' are currently bachelor only for Proxmox VE VPS products
while actions such as 'SSL Step One', 'SSL Step Two', 'SSL Pace 3', 'Become Info' work only for SSL Certificates products.
Available 'API Models' list:
Integration Modules
If y'all have production integration modules generated with Product Reseller in version 1.4.10, in that location is NO NEED to prepare the packages once more.
Only new integrations (generated with v1.v.0 and later on) crave 'Server' and 'Server group'.
Integration Module Installation In Reseller's WHMCS
Please refer to section Integrations to learn how to generate an integration module for your resellers.
In one case yous accept uploaded the integration module, y'all should find a new folder with this module in 'resellerWHMCS/modules/servers/' directory every bit presented beneath.
Important: The folder and module name as well as a description of the extracted integration module are customized past the provider and will be different than the one presented in the instance below.
To practice and then, motion to 'System Settings' → 'Servers'. Once you are there, press 'Add together New Server'.
- Name - server costless proper name
- Hostname - provide whatever hostname
- Module - your integration module name
- Username - API email address
- Password - API Key
- Access Hash - Endpoint
At this indicate, you need to create a new group for your server. For that purpose, printing 'Create New Group'.
5. Enter the name, click on your previously created server, press 'Add' and so 'Save Changes'.
Forrard to 'System settings' → 'Products/Services' → 'Products/Services' and create a new group.
seven. Enter a production group name and press 'Salve Changes' .
To create a product, click on 'Create a New Product'.
9. Subsequently, cull a product blazon, then select the previously created production group from the dropdown menu and provide a production name.
Finally, detect the uploaded integration module in the dropdown bill of fare. Do not forget to save changes.
Welcome emails are sent to the terminate-client in one case the production creation is completed and contain of import details such equally account/service credentials, server information, assigned IP addresses etc.
Earlier yous choose or create your own product'south 'Welcome Email' , please make certain which of the merge fields variables in the email template are currently supported by the product.
Yous can find more information near setting upward email templates and using merge fields variables here.
11. Set up the pricing for your product.
12. Finally, after saving previous changes, go to the 'Module Settings' and select the integration module server that you created in the below steps.
Note that if you select Auto, original billing cycle from your WHMCS will be assigned to this product.
Please remember that deportment visible on the below screen are available only for Proxmox VE VPS products.
Every other integration module has its own options, see the features listing to check options of every integration.
Retrieve to save the changes in the end.
Please notation that the below screen stands for Proxmox VE VPS integration product module settings.
Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS Integration
Subsequently placing an order, the customer surface area may announced differently depending on the purchased product.
Beneath you tin browse the examples of what the client area will look like upon the integration of Products Reseller For WHMCS with other ModulesGarden modules.
The following moving-picture show presents a Proxmox VE VPS production. As you can come across, the enabled options appear in the side menu with additional information near the production at the bottom of the page:
- Become VM Details
- Get VM Graphs
- Start VM
- Stop VM
- Reboot VM
You may find details of Configurable Options assigned to this product in the next tab.
Notation: Please think that the presented beneath options are dedicated to Proxmox VE VPS production.
Important! For other modules, the side menu department with supported features volition look like for products based on the 'Car Release' module. For more than info click here.
EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS Integration - Servers Reselling
Please follow the EasyDCIM official documentation to larn everything y'all need to know about the telescopic of possibilities.
For now, have a expect below for the picture of the customer surface area view in the case of the EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers production.
Supported actions:
- Get VM Details
- Get VM Graphs
- Kicking VM
- Reboot VM
- Shutdown VM
Exemplary graph section view:
SSL Products Integration
If the resold product is an SSL certificate, here that of GoGetSSL, you are allowed to manage the product in the client expanse as shown below:
OpenStack Projects For WHMCS Integration
When OpenStack Projects production is resold, the client area will expect as beneath.
Supported actions:
- Get Project Details
- Log In To Control Panel
Plesk Key Ambassador For WHMCS Integration
The movie beneath presents what the client area looks similar in the case of the Plesk Primal Administrator product.
Virtualizor By Softaculous Module Integration
Defended integration between Products Reseller For WHMCS and the Virtualizor WHMCS Module allows provisioning of servers and admission to VNC console and selected graphs.
- Kickoff
- Reboot
- Stop
- Power Off
- Graphs
- VNC Console
- Request Cancellation
WHMCS Licensing Addon
- Reissue License
- Asking Canellation
Sample Workflow
In a basic workflow 3 users take office:
Provider – a person with Products Reseller For WHMCS installed on the WHMCS organization.
Reseller - a provider's client who aims at reselling products offered to him by the provider.
The reseller must own a system with integration module generated for him by the provider with Products Reseller For WHMCS.
Terminate Customer – a person with a client account in the Reseller'southward WHMCS.
Provider's Office
Let us showtime from the beginning. Provider installs Products Reseller For WHMCS in the organization.
He already has some products in the offer and wishes to allow the reseller to resell them.
Now, the provider configures Products Reseller For WHMCS, creates groups, configures them and assigns products, config options and defines their pricing for the reseller who is assigned to i of the groups.
Finally, selects which of the clients will become resellers, assigns them to previously created groups and generates access details.
Reseller Part
The Reseller has access to the Reseller Expanse once logged into the provider's customer surface area.
There, he can download both the integration module and its documentation as well every bit generate and copy whatever API details required to activate the integration module in his own system.
Then, the reseller needs to ready up products that the provider allows him to resell with the integration module delivered by the provider. Defines the pricing (prices must exist higher than the ones the provider has set upwards to generate any income).
There is one step that separates the reseller from offering the production from his arrangement.
The reseller must add funds to his credit balance in the provider system to be able to pay off the charges and settle the amounts owed to the provider for his resold products.
Provider creates an 'add funds invoice' for the Reseller, the Reseller pays the invoice and so again the Provider adds the same amount to Reseller's credit balance.
From at present on, any product can be ordered.
End Client
Terminate Client orders a product from his client area in the Reseller'southward system.
Once the payment is complete, details of the ordered production (i.east business relationship credentials) are sent to the finish-client mail address using the selected reseller's welcome electronic mail template.
Last Give-and-take About Payment
Now, that the Stop-Client has ordered and paid the reseller for the product, at the provider's system a new invoice for that product is created automatically (on behalf of the reseller).
Depending on the selected "Payment Type" configuration the invoice will exist paid with credits and product attempted to be created or attempt to create the product and if successful, the invoice will be paid with credits.
In example the reseller does not accept sufficient credits on his account to pay for the product creation, the process is stopped until the invoice is manually paid by the reseller.
The reseller'due south income is the deviation between the price of the sold product to the Stop-Client and the cost he paid to the provider.
Upgrade Instructions
Products Reseller For WHMCS allows to upgrade both the production and the configurable options.
When the 'Change Package/Upgrade' activity in the reseller's WHMCS is started, the aforementioned action is started in the chief module environs.
The request contains information on both the production and its configurable options (if in that location are any assigned).
If it turns out that there are some differences between the requested config options and the currently assigned to the service, then only Configurable Options will be upgraded. Otherwise, Product Upgrade volition be performed.
Production Upgrade
- Product A (without any config options) → Product B (without any config options) - additional payment is required or adequate corporeality of money is returned, depending on the number of days remaining until the end of the billing bicycle
- Product A (with config options) → Product B (without any config options) - additional payment is required or adequate corporeality of money is returned, depending on the number of days remaining until the end of the billing cycle
- Product A (without any config options) → Product B (with config options):
- Case 1: products A and B have the same Configurable Options Grouping assigned - additional payment is required or acceptable amount of money is returned, depending on the number of days remaining until the finish of the billing wheel
- Case 2: products A and B have different Configurable Options Groups assigned - this upgrade scenario is not supported
- Irresolute billing cycle inside ane product (with or without configurable options) - boosted payment is required or adequate corporeality of coin is returned, depending on the number of days remaining until the end of the billing cycle
Configurable Options Upgrade
When y'all change the cost of a single configurable choice, eastward.chiliad. from Y to Z, the price is simply calculated for option Y (inside the service billing cycle defined in WHMCS with Products Reseller module).
1. When y'all update your Products Reseller module to a newly released version (total number update), it is required to updated the integration module as well.
2. Products Reseller For WHMCS can be integrated with other ModulesGarden products to extend the range of available features,
e.1000. the integration with Proxmox VE VPS For WHMCS provides such additional actions as: get VM details, get VM graphs, first VM, terminate VM, reboot VM.
3. Make certain that you are non blocking access to the 'api' catalog by your '.htaccess' file.
You are able to hands ready integration module for any arrangement (Blesta, HostBill, Clientexec, BoxBilling, and many more) using Products Reseller For WHMCS API.
All yous need is knowledge of for example PHP programming language and our module's API.
5. If a client buys a product from the reseller and pays in a unlike currency than the reseller's default currency
then the amount will be converted into the reseller's default currency basing on the 'Base of operations Conv. Rate' (your WHMCS → Setup → Payments → Currencies).
Update Instructions
Keep in listen there is a quick and easy selection in our customer area that volition permit you upgrade the license of your module to an open source version at whatever time - and at a lower price!
To take reward of it, but use the License Upgrade push located on the production's page and a discounted invoice will be generated automatically.
Common Problems
1. When you take problems with connexion, check whether your SELinux or firewall does non block ports.
and then the provider should make sure that:
- the product that is offered to the reseller has the 'Recurring' pricing set properly.
- the reseller has enough credits on his account to pay for the product
- the 'Automatic Credit Apply' option is enabled in WHMCS → General Settings → Credit.
This can be e.one thousand.:
location /client/modules/addons/ProductsReseller/api/ { try_files $uri $uri /client/modules/addons/ProductsReseller/api/index.php; }
simply may differ depending on your configuration (e.yard. the '/portal/' path may be used instead of the '/customer/' ane).
Source: https://www.docs.modulesgarden.com/Products_Reseller_For_WHMCS
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